tiistai 27. elokuuta 2024


From time to time, a slightly different kind of a poetry gig: 
this time at the University of Jyväskylä 
on 21st of August. 
Since it was an international forum and audience, 
the language was English. 
For the occasion I wrote a spoken word -poem, 
which was partially based on my old Valley Below -lyric. 
The gig left me with a good feeling, 
and when I got home, I recorded the poem, 
if nothing else, as a reminder. 
The reading of Man-made -poem is available 
on my YouTube channel, here:

The casual occasion was part of the conference entitled: 
 "Understanding the Dynamics of 
 Continuous Professional Development 
 in a Tech-Driven World". 
Of course, you consider whether your text has got anything 
to contribute on such a forum... 
however, based on the feedback, the poem 
possibly reached out for 
the central themes of the event.

Performing Man-made -poem 
at the main building of the University of Jyväskylä.
(Photo by Petteri Kivimäki)

Part of the audience after the performance
and the general view in the main building 
at the University of Jyväskylä
(Photo by AP Kivinen)

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